We are always healing
Our bodies are more fluid than solid and the movements of fluid are the agents of the material formation and regeneration of all life-forms.
As we slow down and attune to the myriad fluid movements that incessantly sustain and renew us, we naturally access a wealth of innate resources, and can facilitate healing and assimilation of recent or ancient, tensions and traumas. Fluid is a way to describe something that changes easily, and holding a fluid focus while paying attention to sensations in the body, allows us to witness and support the continual renewal of our bodies and our experience, at a formative level.
Synergizing Lymphatic, and Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapies to dynamically encourage fluid processes of cleansing and renewal, while guiding clients to access states of recovery through attuned connection with their nervous systems, we lean into the support of Nature, working inside us and around us. Current challenging symptoms can be met within a context of enduring forces of healing, moving through two systems that engender and preserve life, govern and carry out healing processes, and deeply tune our experiences of being embodied and Alive in the world.
I consider my work to be basic health support, offered in reverence for Life. No matter the nature of the injury, or illness, the same basic systems and processes are at work within each of us to do the clean up and allow us to grow from our experiences.
Sessions with me are based in a Biodynamic mode of listening. First, we attune to rhythms of health that exist in all living bodies. Fundamentally, we are building our capacity to attune to Health through unburdening our primary systems of Healing. Removing obstacles to the flow of life-supporting fluids and bio-energetic signals, we make space and we listen. As we clarify the inner landscape, and we allow our will forces to stop trying so hard, we can remember to appreciate all that is working for us, all the time. One of my greatest joys in supporting clients, is to remind each individual to settle into the plethora of resources within their own beings. In session, we weave parallel paths, building appreciation for what is working, while listening deeply to expressions of challenges.
My training and experience have educated me to perceive layered movements of many systems and depths of tissues, from the skin to the organs deep in the belly, to the core nerve fibers and brain tissues. Through strengthening healthy rhythmic movements of Lymphatic and Craniosacral waves, and supporting any parts that are signaling for help with their out of sync or limited motion, I offer encouragement in a mode the body can recognize and continue to work with. By respecting the present-time state and motion of any part, while holding a concept of that part in good relationship to the whole being and ideal health, “corrections,” are made from within, and therefore are more easily and thoroughly integrated into the overall body-mind and confer lasting improvement. Partnering with the Breath of Life, that inspires the Craniosacral waves as they move along the spinal cord and ripple through all tissue layers, healing happens holistically, allowing the whole being to move forward with changes that occur.
For the past 10+ years, I have specialized in offering pre and post-operative care, manual therapy for the sensitive areas of the eyes and throat, fluid and bio-electric regulation for brain Injuries, visceral challenges, and Lymphatic Breast Care, from breast-feeding support to post-mastectomy care, including Lymphadema prevention or improvement. I love working with babies and their caregivers and welcome anyone who wants to experience a lightening up of their fluid systems and healthier nervous system regulation.
Our hearts beat, our breathing exchanges air with our surroundings, our guts move in waves, our Lymphangions pulse, our Craniosacral Fluid flows within the wrappings of the spinal cord from our sacrums up to our craniums, deep within and our brains. Life sustaining rhythms move us ceaselessly, without our conscious participation. How are we dancing to our inner symphony? Do we experience a satisfying degree of harmony and ease of movement in our bodies and in life? Could we experience even more beauty, more inspiration? Or, have overwhelming experiences, illness or pain conducted us to attend an inner cacophony?
A lack of fluid movement through and around tissues leads to stickiness between physical structures, which develops into fascial adhesions, in other words the fascial packaging of the organs, muscles, bones… will become stuck together, limiting our range of motion and compromising function.
The more we are stuck, the less we are free! Like a neglected orchard tree, our inner pathways get entangled and bear poor fruits.
Healing any hurt, our own physiology and consciousness will be the active agents. We are fundamentally and inescapably, our own healers, supported by natural systems and Life energy. We are dependent on an intricate, finely tuned symphony of inner and outer biology and cosmology, for every moment of our lives on earth.
Our bodies and fundamental forces of nature are always working toward our health. Through learning to connect with our innate resources for healing, we can catalyze their activities and transform our relationship to our experiences of suffering.
Whether keeping up with the day to day regeneration of multiple layers of ourselves, experiencing deeply debilitating symptoms, or addressing remnants of the past, movements toward health are happening ceaselessly within us.
Life is moving through us at every moment. As our hearts beat, and we breathe without thinking, nutrients are distributed and utilized…
As we move through life, doing the best we can, we experience injury, illness and suffering of many shades, and our beings reorganize around these experiences.
Our bodily systems and tissues show distress through being out of rhythm, or dysfunctionally entangled with other systems and tissues, or signaling us with pain.
Re-knowing ourselves through recognizing the elements of nature within us, we remember that we exist in a vast tapestry, woven of the same basic elements. By building our capacity to connect with the resources of nature, directly, with our senses, we can build faith in a source of support that is always available to us. Because the same basic stuff that is outside, is inside too, and the same processes that rejuvenate the living world around us, are alive in us too.
Clean water, inside and out, fresh air, inside and out, dynamic movement, inside and out, compassion, inside and out, these are immeasurables of health creation. If we improve the function of your internal cleansing, metabolic and circulatory systems, in a container of compassionate care, you will certainly have taken positive steps on the path of health creation. Our responses to experience involve our bodies as well as our minds, and impulses based in instances of surprise, shock, confusion, relief, joy, gratitude… all leave biochemical residues which can be processed and released through the lymph system and bio-enegetic imprints via the nervous system, in the form of over or under active tissues.
As we tune into this grand symphony, which is present in each of us, playing all the time, these many systems and layers, moving with the rhythmic tides, experience an invitation to be met with kind-heartedness, in their motion, or lack of motion, in their freedom or restriction, in their vibrant health, or in disorientation and disease. Through learning to connect with our innate resources for healing, we can improve our health and transform our relationship to our experiences of suffering.